Sebezhetőségi Gyakorlatok tárlatvezetés

FŰZ art group, 1111 Galéria, 2022. január 

Sebezhetőségi Gyakorlatok

A FŰZ art group bemutatkozó kiállítása, 1111 Galéria, 2022. január 7-22.

FŰZ art group

Felfedezők 4.0 tárlatvezetés

Budapest Art Mentor, 2021. november


Felfedezők 4.0

Budapest Art Mentor, 2021.09.29. – 11.30.

Felfedezők 4.0, a Budapest Art Mentor Program 2020/21-es évfolyamának záró kiállítása. Megtekinthető 2021 szeptember 29- november 30-ig a Képező Közösségi Térben. További információ olvasható a Budapest Art Mentor, a Budapesti Őszi Fesztivál, a Fidelio és a We love Budapest oldalán.


Közös – Tér – Kép

BBB Eleven Ősz, 2021. szeptember

2021. szeptemberben is megrendezésre került a BBB Eleven Ősz fesztivál a Bartók Béla Boulevard szervezésében Budapesten. A rendezvény idejére Közös-Tér-Kép címmel kültéri installációt hoztunk létre Borbás-Tóth Marica és Breszkovics Bernadett festőművészekkel közösen, melyet a fesztivál résztvevői és a járókelők töltöttek meg rajzokkal.


MAOE, REÖK Szeged, 2021. szeptember

2021. szeptemberben látogatható a Magyar Alkotóművészek Országos Egyesületének kiállítása a REÖK Palotában, Szegeden. További információ olvasható a, és a oldalán.


Vízivárosi Galéria, 2021. július

2021. júliusban a Vízivárosi Galériában, a Generációk című csoportos kiállításon szerepeltek a képeim. A kiállításról egy cikk is született a Budai Polgár folyóiratban.


BBB Eleven Tavasz, Budapest, 2021. június

A Bartók Béla Boulevard szervezésében idén is megrendezésre került az Eleven Tavasz programsorozat sok-sok kiállítással és installációval kísérve a Bartók Béla úton. Forgás című kiállításom a Bor és Kézműves Üzlet, Műhely Galériában volt megtekinthető 2021. júniusban.

Three Princes Charity Auction

2020.12.21. – 2021.01.03.

The Three Princes, Three Princesses Movement arranged a Christmas auction in cooperation with the Pintér Gallery and Auction House. The income of the auction will be donated to the cause of the countrywide Movement, supporting families and children in need. I was happy to participate in the auction with my painting ‘Garden-light-space II.’ More details here.

 Resident Art Fair 2020

A.P.A. Gallery, 2020.12.03-22.

Resident Art Fair contemporary art fair at A.P.A. Gallery at Christmas 2020. I also participate with 4 paintings this year. The online catalogue is available here. For more information please visit the website of Resident Art Budapest.

Network of Spaces installation

BBB Eleven Autumn Festival 2020. 09. 25-26. Budapest

My 'Network of Spaces' installation is a part of BBB Eleven Autumn Festival 2020 at Bartók Béla street, Bor és Kézműves Gallery, Budapest. You can read more information about the artwork here.

Budapest Art Mentor

Fine Art Mentor Program 2020/21

I am proud to become a Mentee in the 2020/21 grade of the Budapest Art Mentor fine art mentor program. Great joy, new knowledge and attitude, fantastic community and lots of new experience await me next year! For more information about the Program, please visit the website of Budapest Art Mentor.

XVIII. Painting Biennial of Szeged

REÖK Palace, Szeged, online, 2020.

You can visit XVIII. Painting Biennial of Szeged online. My painting 'Garden-light-space III.' can be found in the 9th room. Az kiállítás „végigsétálható” ezen a linken keresztül.

Pinka pARTline Artist Colony

Pinkamindszent, 2020.

I was very happy to participate in the Pinka pARTline Artist Colony which is celebrating it's fifth year of working in 2020. The Artist Colony usually takes place in Pinkamindszent, Hungary arranged by Ágota Rajner, Szabolcs Mészáros painter, and the Municipality of Pinkamindszent. Thank you for the 10 days of fully joy and painting! You can read an article about the Colony in the local newspaper Vas Népe here


Video at the time of the covid May 2020, for the invitation of MANK

I made this video at the time of the first wave of the Coronavirus in Hungary, in May 2020 joining the initiation #maradjotthonalkotni (stay home to create art) arranged by MANK.

Cédrus – Hommage á Csontváry

Hungarian Day of Painting 2019.

Our exhibition ‘Cédrus – Hommage á Csontváry’ is open, joining the Hungarian Day of Painting countrywide event in the year of the 100th anniversary of the death of the hungarian painter Tivadar Csontváry Kosztka. It is a selection of paintings of three young painter working in the same studio, in cooperation with Bernadett Breszkovics and Marica Borbás-Tóth in Bor és Kézműves Gallery, Budapest. For more information please visit the website of Hungarian Day of Painting.

Artist Colony in Tihany

Hungarian University of Fine Arts, Art Teacher department, 2019. 

We spent a fantastic week in the Artist Colony of Tihany with my classmates of Art Teacher department of Hungarian Univerity of Fine Arts. 


Group exhibition of the members of MAOE, REÖK Palace, Szeged.

I participated in the group exhibition of the members of MAOE (Hungarian Association of Fine Artists) first time this year. The exhibition took place in REÖK Palace, Szeged, Hungary. 

TIME/IMAGE Young Artists Spring Exhibition

2019.04.05-05.04., MANK Gallery, Szentedre

TIME/IMAGE Young Artists Spring Exhibition is now open, presenting the work of artists under the age of 30. My painting 'Arbor V.' is also included. The exhibition takes place in MANK Gallery, Szentedre, until 5th May 2019.

Barcsay Award 2018.

It is a great honour and delight, that I was granted the Barcsay Award in 2018. The official award ceremony and exhibition opening took place in MANK Gallery, Szentedre, 4th January 2019. The exhibition was opened by Balázs Feledy artistic writer. The video of the award ceremony is made by Péter Erős, thank you for it! Further publications can be found in the website of Kultú, Magyar Idők, Kultér, Librarius, Szentedrei Médiaközpont, Szentendrei Körkép An interview can be watched with the Founders of Jenő Barcsay Fine Art Foundation, Márta Kónya and Ferenc Kónya on the website of Media central of Szentendre .


Hungarian Day of Painting 2018.

As a part of the Hungarian Day of Painting, in cooperation with Marica Borbás-Tóth, our exhibition ‘GARDEN-FACE-IMAGE’ is presenting a selection of our Diploma works of Hungarian University of Fine Arts. The exhibition takes place at the Bor és Kézműves Gallery, Budapest until 20th November 2018. Further information can be found on the website of the Hungarian Day of Painting You can read an article about the exhibition in the newspaper Vasárnapi Hírek.


Óbuda, Hungary, 2018.

We are gladly moving in our new studio in Óbuda, Hungary with my painter collegues and friends Bernadett Breszkovics and Marica Borbás-Tóth.


Hungarian University of Fine Arts, Painting department, 2018.

I graduated in the Hungarian University of Fine Arts Painting department in 2018. You can find further information about the Diploma exhibition on the website of the Hungarian University of Fine Arts.


Hungarian Day of Painting, 2017.

Our exhibition ‘STEPS’ can be visited until 31th October 2017 at Bor és Kézműves Gallery, Budapest as a part of the Hungarian Day of Painting.
What can a step involve?
For us, a year of inspiration, experimentation, finding a way, continuation, moods and feelings, nature, lights, colors and shapes, oil on canvas.


Hungarian Day of Painting, 2016.

As a part of the Hungarian Day of Painting countrywide events, with Marica Borbás-Tóth we kindly invite you to our exhibition 'On the Road' presenting our works from the Erasmus semester in Italy. The exhibition is open between 14th October-2nd November 2016 in the Bor és Kézműves Gallery, Budapest. 

ERASMUS Scholarship

Accademia di Belle Arti di Macerata, 2016.

In 2016 I had the opportunity to spend a fantastic semester at the Accademia di Belle Arti di Macerata in Italy with Erasmus Scholarship.


BBB Eleven Autumn Festival, 2015.

The BBB Eleven Autumn Festival took place in October 2015, the main theme of which was bringing discarded objects to new life by reinterpreting them. With Marica Borbás-Tóth we attempted this aim based on musical inspirations. 

Tiny Giants

BBB Eleven Spring Festival, 2015.

Our installation ’Tiny Giants’ promoting a nature conservation topic, was a part of BBB Eleven Autumn Festival in 2015. In cooperation with Marica Borbás-Tóth, we drew attention to the rapid decrease of the population of bees, with this 2 × 3 meter installation on Bartók Béla street.